All books may be read online (by clicking the its title), and you are welcome to save them and print them off yourself if you'd like. Some of these books are available to order (marked in red below) by going to the contact page and placing a request. Just sent me an email and make your request. Shalom!
THE SACRED NAME OF THE CREATOR A detailed study through Scripture and history on the Name of the Almighty, often referred to as "The Sacred Name" or "Tetragrammaton." Includes my journey to understanding that "God has a name," and then moves slowly and systematically, showing that it is important that we use His name in our daily life (speech, prayer, and song). NOTE: This online book currently has an intro plus seven chapters, and will be added to periodically as time allows. |
THIS IS MY BELOVED SON This is an introductory book on the person of Yeshua (Jesus). Studies in Christology often pull heavily from the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D. instead of focusing on what the personal followers of Yeshua believed about him. Furthermore, and most importantly, who did Yahweh say that Yeshua was? What did Yeshua say about himself? These matters and more are dealt with in this study. (Available Online Only) |
THE SIGN OF JONAH Back in the late 90's, I learned that there were many Bible believing groups that taught Yeshua (Jesus) was crucified on a Wednesday and resurrected late on Saturday. The teaching intrigued me, so I began researching. This book is a detail of my findings. Was Yeshua in the grave for 72 hours, and what does the phrase "heart of the earth" mean in Matthew 12:40? (Available Online Only) |
HUSBANDS LOVE YOUR WIVES I wrote this book back in 2008. Now (in 2017) I've been married for almost 20 years, and have children getting married. I feel like I need to work on a second edition, but this first edition is an opening of my heart to what it means for a man to love his wife. The writing style is personable in hopes of connecting with men who are seeking to do whatever they can to care for and cherish their beloved. (Available Online and For Ordering) |
REPENTANCE I began this study by looking at where repentance came from. Is it something in the power of a man, or is there more to it? I go through key texts, letting scripture define the term repentance itself, concluding with how it is to be carried out in the life of a believer. (Available Online and For Ordering) |
LUNAR SABBATHS In the fall of 1999 I was introduced to the concept of the weekly Sabbath day being determined by the phases of the moon. At the time I observed the Sabbath from Friday evening to Saturday evening. This study is a culmination of what I've gleaned since that time from both scripture and history. (Available Online Only) |
LEARNING TO LOVE HIS LAW Over the last 20 years I've had several conversations about biblical law with numerous people. A common paradigm is that the law is something like a bad smell or thorn to be avoided. This study seeks to completely change such a paradigm, beginning to view the law as something to love from the heart and mind. (Available Online and For Ordering) |
MODEST APPAREL I can pretty much guarantee you haven't read a book like this before. In the few churches that do bring up modesty today, it's only the women who are targeted, and that is even done in an unhealthy manner. Modesty is about honor, dignity, and privacy. Men and women of Yahweh are called to be set-apart and shining lights in a dark world. (Available Online Only) |
WHO THEN IS THIS? A Comprehensive Study on the Identity of the Messiah I co-author this book with my friend John Cordero. Back around 2005 I was impressed with his studies on this subject found at, so I asked if he'd be willing to collaborate with me and write a book. This deep-dive study on the person of Yeshua is what came about. (Available Online Only) |