The following is from a dear friend and sister in the faith. She recently sent this out in an email, and I thought it to be so wonderfully written that I should share it here. -- Matthew Janzen I came across this article and video last night by a woman delivered from a life of lesbianism. The topic of homosexuality is close to my heart, as I have loved one's who need deliverance from this particular sin, and I'm sure we all have loved ones who need to be delivered from a mind conformed to a world that supports and accepts sin. Since being converted, I have noticed how strongly the Christian community reacts to this particular sin. It seems they either react with disgust, as though it is a plague. Or, they make exceptions and allowances for sin, basically re-wording the Word of the Creator. In fact, sin is a plague, and is disgusting. However, it has grieved me deeply over the years, that these particular sinners are shunned as though the work of our Savior, Yeshua wasn't quite enough for them. I have to remind myself at times that these situations are NOT hopeless; it is no more of a problem for YHWH to deliver them from their sin, than it was for Him to deliver me. There is so much hope! We, who call ourselves "Christians" also have so much room for improvement in ministering to homosexuals. Do you favor adulterers over homosexuals? Is one sin more acceptable? Do not both destroy? Homosexuals wear their sin on their sleeve, so to speak. It is easy to look down upon them. It's easier to accept a co-worker or neighbor who is afflicted by pornography addiction, a fornicator, adulterer. The fact is, we are rubbing shoulders with sinners everyday, because we are all sinners. The only difference between us and them is that YHWH had mercy on us and delivered us from the sin that would have been the death of us. The very same YHWH can and is still delivering, often, in spite of us. As I read this woman's testimony and listened to her poem, tears were pouring down my face. In a society that is so bent on making it easier and more acceptable to live with our sin, embrace our sin, and love our sin, there is still One who is delivering, and preparing a people equipped to assist in His saving ministry. Although this woman's ministry may be different from what we are used to, it is clear that there is a need in this area, and the Father is working. However offensive we may feel another's sin is, let us not forget that we were once dead in our sin, and praise the Father that His mercy is far greater than our own, and may He fill our hearts with His grace and mercy that we may be of use in His continuing work on this earth. An excerpt from her interview in the video: "I care about reaching homosexuals because God cares. I care because I know how it is to be judged, I know how it is to be shunned. The body of Christ tends to shun homosexuals because they don't know how to effectively minister to them. "
AuthorBlog by Matthew Janzen. Lover of Yahweh, Yeshua, my wife and 5 children. All else is commentary. Archives
December 2023