I had the blessed opportunity yesterday to speak at a wedding. I'd never done so before, but was honored to be asked. Prior to speaking I contemplated on the greatness and the glory of Yahweh in placing Adam and Eve together in Genesis 2. I'm always excited when I think of how Eve existed prior to her being taken out of Adam. Yahweh actually and really took a part of Adam's body and made that part into Eve. Wow! That shows forth the true meaning of Genesis 2:24 - "They are no more two (twain) but one flesh."
Marriage is a commitment between man and woman that is supposed to last a lifetime. When Yeshua was asked about divorce and putting away in Matthew 19 he responded to the questioners by saying, "Have you not read that He which made them in the beginning made them male and female?" He continued by saying that what Yahweh had joined together let no man separate. That shouts to me that Yahweh's plan in the beginning is for a husband and wife to be together until death. Many times husbands and wives find themselves separating what Elohim has joined together in the act of divorce. It saddens me at how lightly people view marriage vows. The sanctity of marriage has left modern America. We Christians should speak our vows as being ones taken in the sight of (first) Almighty Yahweh and (second) our spouse and (third) two or more witnesses. Scripture says that it's better not to make a vow at all than to make a vow and break it. That would have to include the marriage vows. I'm so thankful that Yahweh has blessed me with a wonderful wife; it makes marriage so much easier. I believe a large part of marital problems stem from the husband and wife not practicing the role that was ordained by Yahweh from the beginning. Paul expounded on this role in Ephesians 5. He basically said that the husband is to take the role of Christ and the wife is to take the role of the Church. Husbands aren't loving their wives like they are commanded and wives are not being subject to their husbands like they are commanded. This makes for disharmony in the home and inevitably, if kept up for long enough, what started as a loving marriage, ends in divorce. I'm currently writing a book titled "Husbands, Love Your Wives" based on Ephesians 5:25. It will have a little bit for the wives in it too. I want to be a minister that is in the business of making a drastic attempt to save marriages. I want to make people hold together the union that Yahweh has joined. Matthew Janzen
AuthorBlog by Matthew Janzen. Lover of Yahweh, Yeshua, my wife and 5 children. All else is commentary. Archives
December 2023