What do I think about voting? Well, I've been thinking about it alot lately. I must say that it stirs up a great amount of mixed emotions in me. On the one hand, I've never voted (even locally). People that hear this immediately think my actions stem from not wanting to get involved in politics, but that's really not the reason. I've always taken the position that if there was a Christian man who believed in God's law running for an office in government, I would vote. The problem is that I've not found one yet. Maybe they've ran and I didn't know about it, but most men that I'm familiar with that are running this year and that have ran in years past are wicked, wicked men. Yes, against the backdrop of such a sinner like Barack Obama certain men can "look" holy. But should Obama be the backdrop? Really; shouldn't the backdrop be the Bible? I think so, and all true Bible believers should agree that the Bible (not a man) is the moral standard for us today.
Let me just take a few more lines to speak about how wicked a person Barack Obama is. I would say that he may be the most wicked person to ever run for the office of President. It baffles me (to say the least) that a person who calls themself a Christian can, with clear conscience, vote for a person who is pro-infanticide (abortion). This man supports abortion in all shapes and sizes; first, second, third trimester, partial birth abortion, etc. He even seeks to promote a bill which states that if an abortion is "botched" (if the baby is birthed and still alive after an abortion is performed) the doctor(s) are not required to give this child medical attention. Anyone who thinks that this is okay is nothing short of a son of Belial in my mind, and in Yahweh's mind. There are many other issues I could go into concerning Obama's wickedness, but this one issue, the issue of life, is enough to steer me as far away as I can get from this candidate. You should be ashamed if you are voting for him. I pray that Yahweh would punish those who put such a person in office. What about John McCain? Is he a righteous man? No way!!! It's equally amazing that people think that McCain is some kind of "maverick." The only reason people feel this way about this man is because of the person he is versing - Obama. Of course, to a Christian, McCain is less evil than Barack Obama on issues like abortion, but how does he stand up to God's standard for a king (Deuteronomy 17)? He falls way short. He doesn't believe God's law is or even should be the standard. He hasn't written out a copy of the law, and he doesn't read in it everyday. "How do you know Mr. Janzen?" The Bible tells me that I know them by their fruits. I've listened to McCain speak and I've read his position on issues like abortion, same marriage, immigration, etc. Had he been reading in Yah's law he would take Yah's position. Furthermore, look at who's running for Vice President. Sarah Palin seems like a nice woman, and I feel bad for how ruthlessly the media has treated her, but she shouldn't be running for the office of the Vice President as a woman. Of course most people would not like this statement, but the office of leadership is not for women Biblically. Isaiah 3:12 states it well that when Israel has turned her back on Yahweh, children oppress them and women rule over them. So what should you do? As I see it you have two, maybe three, choices. You can either: 1) Not vote at all. 2) Vote for the man you think best meets the standard of Scripture. This may be a third party candidate such as libertarian or the constitution party. This may even be a write in. 3) Vote for the lesser of the two evil men that are getting the coverage allowing them to have the possibility of being elected. I know people who take each of the positions I've mentioned. I'm not advocating which position is right. I can see voting for a third party or writing someone in you truly believe will follow God, however, does this third party candidate even have a chance? I don't think so. You could look at the issue as though we've been dealt a hand and we need to play that hand the best that we can. Had our forefathers in this nation never played the hand at all, would we even have as many freedoms as we have now? Matthew Janzen
Sometimes people come to me asking about how to handle certain hang-ups and problems in their life. One of the best scenario's I've come to realize is that we must be willing to starve these hang-ups as well as feed the spiritual man.
Sometimes people will attend church for weeks, months, and possibly years. Yet during this entire time these same people aren't doing anything spiritual outside of the 2 or so hours they sit in church during Sabbath worship. This person is starving themself spiritually and let not this man think that he will be able to battle in the spiritual warfare that this world offers. Just as a person who starves himself literally will eventually pass away, so will the person who starves himself spiritually. I see people who slowly (but surely) fade away into the oblivion when it comes to being a servant to the Most High. I encourage you, if you are one of these people, to begin an active plan of reading, studying, praying, fasting, witnessing, etc. Keeping yourself active in these areas is like feeding yourself nutritious spiritual meals. You will begin to grow; be patient though. You've been dead for some time, you will have to slowly bring yourself back to coherence. While people starve themself spiritually they are usually feeding their flesh. They eat the things that drown themselves in sin. I heard a story once of a man who found a small box on the side of the road and it just so happened that the box was full of pornographic material. Prior to this finding the man not so much as had an unction to look at such filth, but upon looking the first time he began to feed a fleshly desire. Eventually the pornography wasn't enough; he began to attend strip bars and clubs, and then began committing fornication with numerous women. This is one example of how people fade away slowly, and guess what, it is because they are feeding something they ought not be feeding. As long as they feed themselves in this way, they will grow in this way. They more they age in this fashion the more difficult it will be to kill this person. One thing a person can do who is in this situation is to find someone they can love and trust, and begin the hold themself accountable to this brother or sister. Don't try to make it on your own, you need the help of a fellow Christian. You need someone to talk to about your problems, and sometimes a shoulder to lean upon, and even cry upon. You need a person to tell you what you need to do. You don't need a person who is going to "buddy up" with you and justify your sin right along with you. You need someone who will help "choke out" the sin that has so easily beset you over a period of time. Starve yourself of unholiness; feed yourself with righteousness. Plan to begin today. Matthew Janzen |
AuthorBlog by Matthew Janzen. Lover of Yahweh, Yeshua, my wife and 5 children. All else is commentary. Archives
December 2023