What are you living for? I mean really - what do you live for each and every day? If you are a genuine Bible believer then you should recognize that this current life, when compared to the backdrop of eternity, is nothing more than a drop of water in a bucket. Yet how few professors of the faith actually live for the kingdom rather than live for the world. People spend so much energy on fancy cars and houses, on just the right color paint for this project and that. They make extra sure that they have exactly what they want and they are sure to do everything they can to obtain it. Look at how many fathers today work and work and work and spend absolutely zero time in communion with God and as little time as possible in communion with their wife and children. Wives are neglected for what, a sporting event? Children are neglected by being placed into an unholy government school system where they learn for 8 hours a day from people who do not live for God in the least extent of the word. So there they learn a worldview that is totally secular and humanistic. Then at times parents wonder what happened when there children grow up and do not live for God. How silly; they are just mimicking there parents, but the parents are to naïve to even realize that their living for their selves rather than for the heavenly Father.
This life is so short. The Biblical book of James tells us that this life is but a vapor; here today and gone tomorrow. We really do not know what this very day has in store for us. Will we make it through the day? Only God knows. Will we see tomorrow? There is only one who knows the answer to that question. Where are you laying up your treasures? What goals have you set for your spiritual life? Are you more worried about your next pay check than you are about serving God? Are you more interested in what’s coming on television than taking time out daily to read and also study God’s word? Have you even told the Father that you love Him lately? And if you have, do you really love Him? Do you keep His commandments? Matthew Janzen
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AuthorBlog by Matthew Janzen. Lover of Yahweh, Yeshua, my wife and 5 children. All else is commentary. Archives
December 2023